Outfit Post: Fast Cars, Shooting Stars
Na današnjem meniju, nešto malo drugačije na blogu. U pitanju je moj prvi outfit post, nastao krajnje spontano u toku šetnje sa drugaricom. Šetajući tako kroz park, zamolila sam je da me par puta slika jer je dan bio zaista predivan i pregledajući slike zaključile smo da bi ih mogle pretočiti u post. Naravno, ovo ne znači da sam postala modna blogerka, ali mislila sam da bi vam tema mogla biti zanimljiva i rešila sam da to uradim. Kao i uvek, svoje predloge, kritike, sugestije i komentare ostavite ispod.
Something a bit different on today's blog menu. It's my first outfit post! It was made quite spontaneously, during a walk with my friend. As we were walking in the park, I asked her if she could take a few photos of me since the day was truly beautiful. After we've seen the photographs we both thought it would be a good idea to include them in a blog post. Of course, this does not mean I became a fashion blogger, but I thought this could be rather interesting to you. As per usual, leave your suggestions, critiques, suggestions and comments down bellow!